The world might currently be almost on pause, nevertheless, for some of us the word rest is almost foreign. Above all, rest should not mean falling on the couch, phone in hand, after school or work. Reebok knows this very well and they’re spreading this knowledge in their campaign for the new Reebok Club C Legacy silhouette. We interviewed Yababy, a Czech influencer, Youtuber and TikToker, who knows very well what it is like to navigate the “social media – work vs fun” border.
What does a normal day look like for you?
Every day is different, I always do something different. Although, I clean every morning. I hate clutter and I can’t do anything until my apartment is clean.
What do you spend the most time on?
I currently spend most of my time on social media. I record and edit videos, I edit photos and do research on what is currently popular. I record TikToks or watch them. I can get stuck in that for a few hours. I’m not happy about it, but I guess it belongs to the work of an influencer.
What do you do in your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my boyfriend, my friends or alone doing creative work. I paint, draw, write songs. I also meditate, learn about psychology, and I’m working on a new project. So I don’t really have free time because I’m still doing something. The only thing I really consider free time is watching anime.

What stresses you out?
Exams at university, deadlines, meeting people during covid.
How much time do you spend resting?
I used to not rest at all. Half a year ago, my friend introduced me to spirituality and I started meditating. Thanks to that, I started spending more time resting.
Is what you wear while resting important to you?
Definitely. I’m a Pisces so my style of fashion depends on how I’m currently feeling. I like comfort. That’s why I often wear oversized T-shirts, sweatpants and preferably comfortable sneakers.
What is your favourite way to relax?
Watching movies with friends, anime, and I consider making music a form of relaxation.

True old-school, a proper sneaker. Reebok Club C was founded in 1985 as the shoe of tennis champions, which is why they bear the letter C in their name.
The minimalist design, which the conventional attire for tennis players required at the time, has survived almost unchanged to this day, though it has undergone new conceptions.
An example is the recent Club C Legacy, which aims to preserve the legacy of this legendary silhouette, while giving it a modern look to match the times and to interest the current generation.
In their global campaign, Reebok collaborates with artists and influencers who use their platform to create better tomorrows and create a positive environment around them in both the real and virtual world. At the same time, they want to show that sometimes you need to switch off, recharge your batteries and take good care of yourself. Because it’s our time. Our legacy.