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Keep your shoes in your shoe rack #8: Netflix & Chill

“After spending 8 hours working out of bed, instead of turning on Netflix, I'm giving you five tips on how to create the 2.0 version of you.” Does this ring a bell? It's what I said exactly a week ago, when I was writing my first post for this series. But during the weekend, my will got weaker and before I knew it, I was back on Netflix. We all know the struggle of picking a movie. Allegedly, it takes 18 minutes on average to pick one, but here's a couple movies from my List you can choose from to skip tha

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Keep your shoes in the shoe rack #7: Gaming

In the previous installments of this series, we gave you ideas on how to spend the spare time on your hands doing something worthwhile. Today we'll look at this extra time from a completely different angle. We'll be talking about the best way to kill time - gaming. Take this post as a reminder that there's nothing wrong with occasionally wasting a couple hours in front of your Playstation. Enjoy procrastinating You definitely know this word. It follows you day and night, appearing every time you deci

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Keep your shoes in the shoe rack #6: Podcasts

If you work in an open space office, you know that socializing is probably the best feature it has to offer. Working from home also has its advantages, though - you can work on your own pace and there's no one looking down your shoulder. Let's take a look at a couple of podcasts that are guaranteed to make your workday educational and amusing. Really, it's better than playing Ariana Grande on repeat. The Complex Sneakers Podcast Since last November, the Complex magazine has its own podcast about

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#5 Keep your sneakers in the shoe rack: Sneakers and literature

It doesn't matter what you're doing during the quarantine, at some point you'll probably run out of ideas about how to spend your time. So, in today's post, we'll cover some of the literature out there that focuses on sneakers and give you some reading materials.  Have you gained a dislike for books because you've had to read a ton of them for school? That's not good at all - for example, you could stumble upon a book that could awaken your interest in a certain topic, which in turn could become a

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#4 Keep your shoes in the shoe rack: Transform your sneakers into art

@andyjhan If you go outside, you might get reminded of the movie I, Legend. So here's some more tips on how to keep yourself entertained inside during this unplanned holiday. Sneakers can stimulate the more creative parts of your brain - did you know that there are artists out there that use sneakers as the main element of their art? You probably won't see an exhibition of sneaker art at the Louvre anytime soon, but they can make just as big an impression from your shelf as the Mona Lisa. Here's sev

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#3 Keep your shoes in the shoe rack: Work out or do yoga from the comfort of your home

Since the gyms are closed and you're working out of bed, you're at risk of quickly becoming a couch potato. But modern technology gifted us smartphones, which you can easily download tons of apps onto that will help you stretch out and shed some calories. In most cases, you don't need anything except your body and your phone. Take a look at our favorites! Daily Yoga This app, as the name suggests, is for doing yoga. When completing the registration, you choose a program that picks out the most suitab

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#2 Keep your shoes in your shoe rack: Spend some quality time with yourself

The current coronavirus situation means that a lot of us have to stay safe at home. It's been two days since the official start of the quarantine. I've got a home office, there's a ban on gathering, public transport is accessible only with a face mask and the streets of Strašnice are emptier than ever. But I've tried looking at the whole situation from a different angle. After a long time, I've got time to spend purely on myself, so after spending 8 hours working out of bed, instead of turning on Netflix,

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#1 Keep your shoes in your shoe rack: 5 rules for a safe quarantine

We've all been looking forward to shedding off the layers of clothes after the winter season, but as you very well know, in the current situation that's not an option anymore. To get through this as safely as possible, we need to remember some basic rules. Don't take this as being told what to do, but more as guidelines necessary for the safety of you and everyone around you. Keep your face mask on. Surely you're already aware of the classic triple check when leaving the house - keys, phone, wallet.

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Sneakersutra, a look into the personal lives of sneakers

They say that sneakers have a story. Some of these stories include love, heartbreak, and of course, sex. What is personal life like for a pair of sneakers? We’ve decided to show you behind the scenes moments from our warehouse minutes before the pairs are separated for good. The most iconic situations were captured in our documentary photo series called Sneakersutra. So get inspired.

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How to start your autumn day w/ GymBeam

People either love or hate autumn – there's no in between. One half enjoys the drizzly weather, pulls out their favorite hoodies and watches nature get ready for winter. The other half falls into an „autumn depression“ and is completely devoid of energy. If you fall into the second category, you should focus on one thing that'll help you survive this autumn – breakfast. It's said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you find yourself lacking energy during this damp season, check out

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